Help Us Test the New Version of the Eclipse Marketplace Website

August 21, 2023

The Eclipse Marketplace, your platform for discovering and installing Eclipse IDE extensions, is taking a big step forward. With Drupal 7 approaching its end-of-life in January 2025, we must move towards a more supported and robust version of Drupal.

As we prepare to go live with this new version, we’re turning to you, our valued community, to assist us with the testing. Our goal is to ensure that the new Drupal 9 implementation of the Eclipse Marketplace website delivers the quality and functionalities we all have come to rely on. To this end, while this new implementation does make some updates in functionality and other enhancements, it largely is a migration of the existing marketplace functionality.

You can access the staging instance at

Areas Up for Testing:

  1. MarketPlace Client (MPC) in Eclipse IDE: Our new API implementation and the revamped favorite management system are up for review. For detailed steps on how to configure your Eclipse IDE to query our staging server, please refer to the Marketplace REST API Documentation.
  2. Editing and Content Management Features: For extension maintainers, we’ve introduced a mobile-responsive theme and made several content management improvements.
  3. Search Performance and Accuracy: It’s vital to ensure the revamped search mechanism operates with efficiency and accuracy.
  4. General Website Features: Explore the site and confirm all the familiar features are functioning seamlessly.

How Should I Submit Feedback?

Please submit your feedback via a new Gitlab issue. When sharing your experiences, include pertinent details such as the current behavior, the desired outcome, the affected URL, any specific search queries alongside expected results, and/or any other information that may be relevant.

For complete guidance, refer to the dedicated issue we’ve set up for this testing phase.

Facing a Glitch?

If you hit any roadblocks accessing our staging server or configuring MPC, feel free to drop a comment on our issue dedicated to this testing phase.

Your contribution ensures that our community continues to have the best tools at its disposal.

Let’s make the Eclipse Marketplace a robust and seamless experience for everyone. Dive in, test, and share your feedback. Your insights can make all the difference.